Newsletter No. 3: WIN-APP Now Available on Online Stores!

We are delighted to announce that the third newsletter of the Work Inclusion 2021 project — developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships programme — has been sent to our European stakeholders. This edition marks an important milestone: the official launch of WIN-APP, now available for download on online stores!

WIN-APP is an innovative mobile application designed to support the WIN-VAE methodology, facilitating the validation of skills and qualifications for migrants and adults with non-formal or informal learning experiences. Thanks to its intuitive and accessible interface, the app allows professionals, educators, and migrants to actively engage in the validation process.

WIN-APP was created to make the validation system simpler and more accessible. Based on the Validation of Migrants’ Experiences WIN-VAE methodology, the app optimizes the validation process, enabling migrants, validators, experts, facilitators, and practical testing centers to manage the entire process remotely.

With WIN-APP, migrants can navigate the validation process more easily and intuitively, while operators in the field have access to an advanced tool to better recognize skills gained by migrants through their life and work experiences. This approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also promotes greater labor and socio-economic inclusion for migrants.

WIN-APP is a cornerstone of the WIN-VAE methodology, providing inclusive access to the validation system for groups often excluded. Through this application, we aim to build a future where no one is left behind.

Download WIN-APP today and join us on this journey of innovation and inclusion!

👉 Read the full newsletter and visit the website