Eurodesk is the structure of the Erasmus+ community programme dedicated to information, promotion and guidance on programmes for young people promoted by the European Union and the Council of Europe. Eurodesk operates with the support of the European Commission and the National Youth Agency.
The project called Eurodesk was born in Scotland in 1990. The basic idea is to promote the access to mobility opportunities of young people (study, work, training, volunteering, knowledge, and experiences) offered by community programmes
Through the broad territorial roots, Eurodesk wants to make up for the distance (geographical and language) between the final recipients of European programmes in favour of young people and the sources of information related to them. Therefore, a permanent network of structures and centres hosts at least one Eurodesk representative who conveys free, updated, reliable and clear information to young people, operators and all those who deal with the world of youth.
About us
How the Eurodesk Network is organised
At European level, a resource and documentation centre located in Brussels (Eurodesk European Office), which maintains direct contacts with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture coordinates the network.
At national level, the European operating structure is replicated: the National Point, which works in direct collaboration with the National Youth Agency under the Erasmus+ community programme, coordinates the Local Agencies that offer information, promotion and orientation on the territory.
The Local Agencies, which have direct access to the intranet, meet at least once a year for training, updating and coordination activities.
Italy is also the only country having started the experimentation, implemented directly by some local agencies, of a territorial sub-network of entities / structures / centres (Eurodesk Territorial Antennas) which, even more intensively, offer information and guidance on community programmes for young people. Local sub-networks use a dedicated national intranet to communicate and share activities and meet at least once a year, with the same goals as national and European meetings.
Italy is the leading country in terms of number of Local Agencies / Territorial Antennas (currently around 100). The Italian National Point is directed by Eurodesk Italy (a non-governmental non-profit organisation) and shares its annual work plan with the National Youth Agency.

What we offer
Information and guidance service on European Union and Council of Europe programmes in the fields of Education, Training and Youth.
How we offer it
Updated information through an IT support that guarantees maximum speed and accessibility to the service.
Which information
Deadlines, funds, methods of use, useful addresses related to European programmes in favour of youth.
To whom we address
Youth, Operators (professionals and / or volunteers) of youth NGOs, Local Authority Officials, High and Middle School Institutes, Universities, Vocational Training Institutions.

Euroform is Eurodesk Antenna — Rende
Young people interested in an experience of transnational mobility (work and/or study), can meet our experts in Piazza della Libertà 36 in Rende,
Tuesday from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m,
Wednesdays from 9:00 to 12:00,
Thursday from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m,
Friday from 9:00 to 12:00
- Email:
- Tel: (+39) 0984 467735
- Fax: (+39) 06 233232407