Between April 24-28, 2023, a joint staff training event took place within the Erasmus+ project, under KA 2 (project title Innovation and dynamic learning for caregivers, social workers and trainers specialized in physical education of elders, through cross-sectoral approach of both CVT fields, project code 2022-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000089776).
The event took place in the city of Vic, in the region of Catalonia (Spain) and it was hosted by the partners from Universitat de Vic (Fundació Universitària Balmes, UVic).
This event was attended by 12 members of the partner organizations in the project, as it follows: 3 participants from Asociația Global Help (partnership leader, from Romania), 3 from University of Craiova (Romania), 3 from Euroform RFS (Italy), 3 from Home Hope Ltd (Bulgaria).
The learning event aimed to deepen the adaptation of courses in the field of social assistance-elderly care and how to make training more attractive, combining multidisciplinary knowledge from fields such as social assistance and care, physical education, nutrition.
The event lasted 5 days and included several complementary learning methods:
- Study visit to a nursing home, Germanetes dels Pobres (a facility with approximately 40 elderly residents and 40 employees), visiting the UVic infrastructure in close connection with physical education also applicable to the elderly (UVic’s gym and fitness facility, which also includes a swimming pool), observing the activities;
- Presentations, discussions and debates on: physical movement for the elderly in primary care, on sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass as a result of the natural aging process), on how to combine exercise with diet to prevent or delay its appearance, diets adapted to elderly etc (speakers: dr Anna Puig, dr.Anna Escriba, Pepeta Villaro);
- Simulating low-intensity activities such as Nordic walking, explaining and understanding the benefits for those working with the elderly;
- The staff members discussed the progress made in the project to create an innovative training kit in the field of elderly care with a focus on mobilization, physical education, physical well-being and mental tone, dedicated to professionals working with the elderly (caregivers, social workers, gym instructors, physiotherapists, etc).
We asked our colleagues how they perceived this learning experience and here is a testimonial from Ana-Maria S, who is a social worker and trainer for the elderly carer course, within Asociatia Global Help: „I appreciate the attention to details of the hosts and their capacity to provide learning, the way they selected and combined the visits with the presentations/debates, and the reaction of the trainers to feedback. I enjoyed the care level that I observed, for example, from the staff of Germanetes dels Pobres for person-centered care, and we also had the opportunity to watch a Catalan bowling match played by elderly residents at the center”.
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