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Newsletter 1 Digit4All

Newsletter 1 Digit4All

The project "DIGIT4ALL" is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that aims to support individuals in acquiring and developing basic digital skills by providing them access to computers and digital training. The main goal of the project is to enhance integration in the workforce and...

WiFi: Fight Against Illiteracy, fifth newsletter

WiFi: Fight Against Illiteracy, fifth newsletter

The last phase of the project, WIFI WorkshopPilot , has been aimed at piloting andexperimenting the skills map, tool set,exercises and workshops designed in theprevious project output. Download the Newsletter and learn more. For more information about the project,...

Digital Training and Education on Responsible Tourism Initiatives.

Digital Training and Education on Responsible Tourism Initiatives.

The DTeReTi project has achieved significant milestones by creating a comprehensive set of digital resources that contribute to the development of responsible and sustainable tourism initiatives. With the help of our interactive tools and expert guidance, numerous...

Digital Training and Education on Responsible Tourism Initiatives.

Digital Training and Education on Responsible Tourism Initiatives.

Our project began with a simple idea to promote responsible tourism by providing accessible and practical digital resources. Over time, we have successfully developed and implemented multiple Intellectual Outputs (IOs) that cover crucial aspects of responsible...

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  • Pubblicazione ai sensi Legge 4/8/17 n. 124